PHP SPL Exceptions Use Cases

An exception is used to immediately terminate the operation due to incorrect use of the code or incorrect data transferred for processing, or the inability to transfer data to another system.

LogicException (and inherited) is thrown before the operation is executed, due to incorrect code usage. For example, an unknown function is called, a variable is passed with the wrong type, value, or wrong string length.

RuntimeException (and inherited) is thrown during the execution of an operation, due to invalid data being passed or the inability to pass data to another system. For example, while processing the configuration file, it turned out that the value of the parameter was incorrect or the connection to the database was not established.

Throwing LogicException and RuntimeException results in a HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) server response because the error is on the server side.

SPL Exceptions Class Tree

  • LogicException
    • BadFunctionCallException
      • BadMethodCallException
    • DomainException
    • InvalidArgumentException
    • LengthException
    • OutOfRangeException
  • RuntimeException
    • OutOfBoundsException
    • OverflowException
    • RangeException
    • UnderflowException
    • UnexpectedValueException


class OrderCheckoutHandler
    private ?Notifier $notifier = null;
    public function checkout(): void
        if (!$this->notifier) {
            throw new LogicException('For checkout, notifier must be specified.');

$orderCheckoutHandler = new OrderCheckoutHandler();


function checkout() {

$function = 'purchase';
if (!is_callable($function)) {
    throw new BadFunctionCallException(
        sprintf('Function "%s" is not callable.', $function)


class OrderCheckoutHandler
    public function checkout(): void

$order = new OrderCheckoutHandler();
$method = 'purchase';

if (!method_exists($order, $method)) {
    throw new BadMethodCallException(
        sprintf('Method "%s" does not exist in class "%s".', $method, get_class($order))


interface ReaderInterface

class YamlReader implements ReaderInterface

class JsonReader implements ReaderInterface

class PhpReader implements ReaderInterface

class ReaderFactory
    public function create(string $reader): ReaderInterface
        switch ($reader) {
            case 'YAML':
                return new YamlReader();
            case 'JSON':
                return new JsonReader();
            case 'PHP':
                return new PhpReader();
                throw new DomainException(
                    sprintf('The specified reader "%s" is not supported.', $reader)

$factory = new ReaderFactory();
$reader = $factory->create('XML');


class Order
    public DateTime $createdAt;
    public function setCreatedAt(string $createdAt): self
        $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $createdAt);
        if (!$dateTime) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The createdAt must be in "Y-m-d H:i:s" format.');
        $this->createdAt = $dateTime;
        return $this;

$order = new Order();
$order->setCreatedAt('2023/02/13 13:39:00');


function generateMd5HashWithSalt(string $password, string $salt): string
    if (strlen($salt) !== 12) {
        throw new LengthException('Salt should have 12 characters');
    return crypt($password, $salt);

echo generateMd5HashWithSalt('password', '$1$test$');


$orderStatuses = ['new', 'completed', 'shipped', 'delivered', 'canceled'];

class StatusesIterator implements Iterator
    private array $statuses;
    private int $position = 0;
    public function __construct(array $statuses)
        $this->statuses = $statuses;
    public function current(): string
        if (!$this->valid()) {
            throw new OutOfRangeException('There are no more statuses');
        return $this->statuses[$this->position];

    public function next(): void

    public function key(): int
        return $this->position;

    public function valid(): bool
        return isset($this->statuses[$this->position]);

    public function rewind(): void
        $this->position = 0;

$statusesIterator = new StatusesIterator($orderStatuses);

foreach ($statusesIterator as $status) {
    echo $status . PHP_EOL;

echo $statusesIterator->current();


$connection = pg_connect('host= port=5432 dbname=app user=admin password=s3cr3t');
if (!$connection) {
    throw new RuntimeException('Could not connect to database');


class Dto
    public function __construct(private readonly array $data)
    public function get(int $index): string
        if (!isset($this->data[$index])) {
            throw new OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Index "%d" does not exist', $index));
        return $this->data[$index];

$dto = new Dto(range(0, 10));
$three = $dto->get(11);


class Dto
    private int $limit = 10;
    public function __construct(private array $data)
    public function add(string $item): self
        if (count($this->data) === $this->limit) {
            throw new OverflowException(
                sprintf('The data array has reached its limit. The limit is "%d"', $this->limit)
        $this->data[] = $item;
        return $this;

$dto = new Dto(range(1, 10));


class Wallet
    public function __construct(private int $balance)

    public function increase(int $amount): self
        $this->balance += $amount;
        return $this;
    public function decrease(int $amount): self
        if ($this->balance - $amount < 0) {
            throw new RangeException('Cannot decrease the balance by this amount');
        $this->balance -= $amount;
        return $this;

$wallet = new Wallet(0);


class Dto
    public function __construct(private array $data = [])
    public function push(string $item): self
        array_push($this->data, $item);
        return $this;
    public function pop(): string
        if (count($this->data) === 0) {
            throw new UnderflowException('Cannot extract item from empty data array');
        return array_pop($this->data);

$dto = new Dto();
$one = $dto->pop();
$two = $dto->pop();
$three = $dto->pop();


class HttpClient
    public function request(string $url): string|null
        $ch = curl_init($url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        switch ($httpCode) {
            case 200:
                return $response;
            case 400:
            case 404:
            case 500:
                return null;
            default: throw new UnexpectedValueException(
                sprintf('Unexpected HTTP code "%d"', $httpCode)

$httpClient = new HttpClient();
$response = $httpClient->request('');
echo $response;